Core values


The underlying natural state of existence intrinsic in all sentient beings, which expresses itself beyond  name and form, is ever present and  lives in harmony with the  universal creative source of life.


The natural state of being which permeates life and presents itself as a deep rooted realization, perception or experience of a persons true nature beyond thought, preconception or separation from the  universal creative source of life.


To view ones self and others with a sense of acceptance, awareness and honor toward their sacredly held belief systems, actions, points of view and life experience.


The act of living, speaking, responding and dealing with oneself and others through a sense of fairness and straightforwardness of conduct, which allows a truthful interaction between individuals and society as a whole.


The act of living with a sense of sympathy or indulgence for the beliefs, practices or codes of ethical thought in regards to an individual, group or society which may conflict with one's own chosen belief system.


The act of living with a sense of being humble, peaceful and honorable to oneself or others, while expressing thoughts, personal points of view or belief systems.  Governing oneself accordingly in word, deed and action from a place free from egoic pride, arrogance or a desire to create harm to oneself or another.


The act of living with a sense of well-being, joy and contentment which is a direct reflection of a individuals inner peaceful state of being and deep awareness of life.


The act of living with a sense of being joyous, unfettered, uncomplicated or uncompounded by excessive mind created or sociologically demanded complications, stress and obtuseness in thought, actions and deeds.


The act of living with a sense of joyous liberation and openness of heart free from oppression and persecution for the purpose of expressing and creating a life enriched with passion, love and equality for all sentient life.


The act of living with a sense of cohesion, belonging, and acceptance which allows ones self to express and perform their thoughts, beliefs and actions in a harmonious alignment with all sentient life.


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